Wusses here already cancelled school based on forecast???

know what pisses me off?

my boy has asthma, so he coughs a little
last saturday he had his first 2 hour class of a 4 month program that will get him to his second degree black belt, so yeah, he might have lost his voice, and he had a sore throat

the called me on it, and i explained it to them

then the gave me the "we cant have him go back to class untill he gets a negative test"

needless to say i was pretty pissed, but i picked him up, swung by his doctors office, had him tested, grabbed some taco bell, filled up the truck, picked up his negative test results and dropped him back off at school about 30 minutes later

at some point they need to pull their heads out of the sand, stop listening to the fear mongers who claim the sky is falling and listen to the experts
and when it comes to my kids, that is me