Wusses here already cancelled school based on forecast???

A Honda AN600? Had to search that....never saw one. What was that, the daddy of the Civic?
Yup, the first car that Honda ever officially exported to the United States. They had a tiny Sprite sized S600 open sportster before this but I'm not sure how many made it over here, that S600 had a chain driven rear axle! There was a story that a bunch of these N600's were heaved over the side of a transport ship bound for San Diego because they didn't meet new US safety standards. I've read that in a number of threads but it could be just internet regurgitation of fake news. I could pull head into a parallel parking spot, get out and pick the back up and scoot the tail in 6 inches at a time. It was hard but I did it a few times for the amusement of my disbelieving friends. No Honda place would work on it, they said take it to the Honda Motorcycle shop down the road, and they just laughed at me asking does it look like a motorcycle? I cut my teeth on car maintenance on these little guys, I had to buy 2 to keep one working! Timing chain was bicycle grade and just as long. Hydraulic tensioner would fail once every 2 months causing it to jump a tooth and run like ****. Old timer told me to run a allen bolt through the tensioner and make is a solid adjuster and no more timing woes. Good times.......