Stop in for a cup of coffee

I usually aim for the center. 10 out of 10 is 100. So far my best is has been 87.
So funny story: i was doing competition shooting a few years back. With a brand new 1911 in 45 ACP. 50 rounds, Bulleye is a 5. Perfect score is a 250. First few times out, I was barely in the 140s and my groups were all over the place. This guy named Andy in the club had won the matches for the previous 3 years running. So he decides he’s gonna teach me to shoot better. Hands me his pistol just to see how I did. I shot a 215 instantly. So he decides to take my pistol and shoot it, he scored a low 100. He was stumped. Well this old guy walks up, says hey, I bet that recoil spring is jacked up. So took it to a gunsmith the next day, guy confirmed it. Factory 1911 spring rate for my pistol was listed at 22 pounds. The spring tested at 14. So an 8 dollar spring change to an 18 pounder(what he had on hand), and the next week, I was shoot in the 200s with the same pistol.