Stop in for a cup of coffee

3 thousand boots against 100 Thousand.
Please MR. Custer, I don't want to Die.

The thinking is Putin would never knowingly kill American troops...WWIII would start over that....

Depends. Is it 100,000 draftees with minimal training vs 3,000 of the elite Airborne Infantry? If so, I’m taking those bets, head to head of course. Assuming Air power and such not in play. I mean hell, the Battle of the Bulge, we were outnumbered 2:1 in infantry, 40:1 In artillery and 4:1 in tanks. 6 infantry divisions and 2 armored divisions held off 13 German infantry divisions and 7 panzer divisions with far superior equipment for 9 days until Pattons 3rd Army broke thru to help and switch the numbers.

the units we’ve stationed in Ukraine include the famed 82nd Airborne and elements of the 101st. While I have no faith in the current resident of the famed White House in DC. I have full faith that our boys and girls in those divisions could hold on long enough for backup to come. Even against 10:1 odds. Plus they’re backed up by Tornadoes and A10 tank busters.

besides, Putin is basically staring down dipshit in chief and trying to basically force the US to comply with it’s wishes. It’s saber rattling is all it is. Russia knows a hot war with the US and NATO would destroy not only them but us and the rest of the world as well.

I will add this. The only time I’ll worry that it’s about to actually go hot is when the Marines are moved in. I may be an Army vet, but history shows, at least in recent times, that when it looks like going hot is a real threat, we move in the Marines.