Stop in for a cup of coffee

How ya liking this wind Frank? Thirty plus mph winds last night and today, temp somewhere under zero who cares it is just plain cold. My old hockey buddy showed up last night from Seattle. He was my Coach for several years till I got traded. We had a lot of fun last night, shop looks like a crime scene. Always a good sign. He found the stick the Team gave me when I left, they had all signed it. He remembered my first practice after he drafted me, I took a shot on net and he blew the play down. In a adjective laced tirade asked me WTF I was doing. I shrugged and replied trying to put the puck in the net Coach. He very colorfully retorted “ I drafted YOU (insert description) so that HE (points to our stud winger) can put the puck in the net. Ya gotta know your role! I am a bit broad shouldered and let’s just say heavy on my skates and liked to brawl. Was to slow to go very far but what a great sport. Hockey has evolved to the point guys like me do not bring much value anymore, but twenty thirty years ago we had a place. I played for years and years in fat man beer leagues as we got older etc. We literally watched the game morph away from hitting and self policing to the speed game it has become. Man those guys are fast. Back in the day I was a very large player at 200 pounds, today that is nothing. These guys are much bigger and much faster. It is amazing to watch. Apologies hockey rant over. Shop pix attached!

