Darts in the Snow

One of my earliest memories in my Dart Convertible was going to Wrightwood in the So Cal mountains.

I was maybe 5 or 6.

It had snowed and the road was not great. We had to go by way of the high desert. up near the ski area there was a camper that slid backwards into a revine.

We were coming down the barely 2 car wide road from what was Blue Ridge ski area, now Mountain High West.

A car was coming up the road. My dad moved over as far as he could and pop, pop.

This is the road today, not much different then in the 60s, just a bit wider.


Both right side tires punctured, (rock?)

It was 4 pm on a Sunday.

My dad put the spare on and then rolled the other tire to the only repair shop in the tiny little town.

Luckly he was able to get a used tire, and rolled it back and put it on.

We promptly drove 3.5 hours back home.

In the Dart Convertible was me, my mom, my dad, my older sister, and 3 miniature poodles, one of which got car sick.

We were supposed to go sledding, as I recall that never happened, because Blue Ridge did not have a sledding area, and we were headed to another location when the tires went.

I think it took 4 hours to get there traffic from the camper. we always left late for everything! I never saw the beginning of a movie as a kid!

Aaahhhhh the good old days!