Thoughts on Drum to Disc Conversions…

Good grief. The drums aren’t that great. My ‘71 GT had 10” drums on it, I fully rebuilt them and drove the car before I took it down to rebuild the engine. I’ve had several 50’s era cars that ran 4 wheel drums for at least awhile. I’ve had them all working and stopping properly as designed.

And you couldn’t pay me to run a 4 wheel drum car around on the freeway for any length of time. Disks are superior technology. They maintain equal braking better than drums with auto adjusters, they work better in the rain and resist brake fade better. And then there’s finding good replacement parts for the drums, because they’re not always available.

If you’ve got a show pony and all you do is putt around to an occasional show or Dairy Queen or something fine. But if you’re doing much more than that and are running around with drums you better remember that it’ll take you significantly longer to stop than every other car on the road, and those other cars definitely won’t take that into account.