All double rollers are not created equal

Sometimes I say things I don't actually mean myself. I am only giving info to members on all things I have seen over many tears of experience with these cars. I myself learn things every day on this site . That is why I keep paying my $40 a year for gold. We're all a family here. I have 4 sisters and I call them assloles more then I should . If I wouldn't love them I would walk away and let them screw up and then just laugh.

You all would not believe how many of those cheap rollers chains I put on over the years . And then in a month I'd want to try another Cam shaft. When taking the cover off the chains were loose. Wasn't until some builders pointed me to tru rollers that I started spending the extra cash.

You know there are times you really don't have a clue what people really know . Had a drag truck here. The guy raced every weekend. We built him a stroker motor the truck was in the 10's.

He pulled in the one day and told my son and I that his bands were weak in his transmission. Why do you say that I asked? He said they don't have the snap they use to have on the shift. He asked us if they made any out of a stronger rubber? My son and I started laughing I had tears in my eyes. He was serious . He actually thought there were rubber bands in the trans that would wind up and snap loose for the shift.

So how can you tell who you are telling anything in this hobby. This guy was 40 years old and racing since he was 18 years old.