Right out of a WWII B-29

Actually Pishta, this is pretty simple stuff compared to what goes on now. I am WAY behind the times. There are several amateur protocols in use on the amateur bands for so called "digital" modes, as well as different ones used for digitized audio, that is, replacing traditional analog FM radio with digital voice modes. Part of the reason for this (voice digital) is that just like everything else, nobody could get anybody to agree on a standardized system LOLOL

And some of this has gotten WAY WAY out of hand. Part of the amateur packet system (related to email, sort of) has a system called the "DX cluster." What guys do, signed up and networked in the "DX cluster" is enter and exchange info about a "juicy" "rare station" engaging in "chasing DX" ( long distance) so the ridiculousness works kinda like this:

"You" are all "set up" and "all in" on the DX packet cluster. "Over the wire" it comes that there's some rare dx, ON4XXX or whoever is on 14.105 USB, or whatever. RTTY (radio teletype) is even better.

The packet data is such that it can automatically be interfaced with the HF radio control software, and do all this:

Change the antenna to the proper antenna AND CYCLE THE ROTATOR to point the antenna in the proper direction
Change the HF radio to the proper operating band frequency and mode.
Command the radio to "tune" and zero the antenna tuner

THERE HAS EVEN been cases of fully automated "contact" with no human involved!!!

And THAT friends is the point of ridiculous!!!

Sort of like "self driving Teslas". When will they run over the next drunk pedestrian?