Improvements On A Classic Car

Taking a car all apart is the single biggest mistake a person can make.

I see it all the time and I often tell people DO NOT TAKE THE CAR APART, work on the small stuff and drive it for a year.
Almost no one has the time, money, space or skill to full take a car apart and re build it. The thing is, some folks have the time, other have the space, some have the cash. That wont cut it. You need to have all 4 or you will regret it.

In my opinion two of the best thing you can do is disk breaks and new bushings. Its much more fun to drive a car that is safe.
What I did with my 66. I made it start, go, and stop before I brought it home. I have been driving it ever since. There have been some rebuilding like the engine and interior. It needs paint but I don't have a place or the energy to take it apart. I'll let the next guy do that. It's still a fun car.