Why I can't buy a Tesla

Tesla's just a gimmick
It's a gimmick that the taxpayers have to contribute too. Here in Canada anyone who buys one get a 12,500 credit from our Gov (meaning us) to the cost of these cars. So you're paying for one whether you own one or not.
So the big question is "What is it going to do the hydro grid"? In the Summer we are asked to turn the a/c up a bit to try and conserve energy. I understand the batteries are good for around 10 yrs and are very costly. So is the average guy going to replace the battery or go out and buy another one and what happens to the old car and the old batteries. Will they go to a landfill or be recycled.
Another thing is these cars average around 400 miles or Km whatever it is and takes at least 30 minutes to recharge. So if you're on a trip that means every 400 miles you are forced to stop regardless and recharge for 30.
A normal car takes maybe 5 minutes to fill the tank and you're on your way.
Lots to think about.