Why I can't buy a Tesla

Well, they just ain't fer me... lol
Sitting atop a chemical time-bomb that costs in the neighborhood of $1000 in battery depletion per year is , IMO, somewhat ludicrous.
To save that $1000 annually, First I gotta gross it up by applicable sales taxes so that comes to 1130, then to have that money in my hands, I have to earn about 30% more to cover income tax so over $1600 dollars in gross wages in 2021 dollars, and I guess I still gotta budget for installation and perhaps shipping! What's all this gonna cost in the future, when the batterypack actually fails. Oh I know, about the same as the price of a nearly new gas-guzzling economy-car.
At the current rate of inflation, I am spending nearly $300 a week on food and household stuff. So 1600 is already FIVE months of living
Even if I was a richman, I would not make that purchase. I'd rather submit to being vaxxed, which I will never willingly do, period. lol.
Like said;

Well, they just ain't fer me... lol