Best Panhandler Sign Ever

Never have and never will. Many years ago there was "The Shaking Lady" in Toronto.
She would be dressed in raggedy old clothes and stand at the corner holdin gher hand out with a bad tremour. One news reporter decided to follow her and see where she lived. A number of blocks away he photographed her getting into the Large expensive car and followed her to a beautiful home where she lived.
Funnily she disappeared when it hit the newswire.
wouldnt surprise me if each little town had its own story like that

my kids always want to help out the panhandlers and beggars (especially when we are at conferences in cities i would normally avoid, like chicago, new orleans or san diego)
because of the conference we will find ourselves driving from the hotel to the downtown area where the conference center (and the beggars) always are, so i will make it a point to stop at a grocery store and let the kids pick out some fresh fruit for them