Unreal intake manifold cost

Greed is the problem

How is getting the most money for something “greed”. If you have any part (or anything else at has value which BTW is what real currency is) for sale why not sell it for the most you can? To do otherwise is stupid. And it’s not greed. It’s common sense.

If you want to give your junk away that’s fine. Just because someone wants the most value for what they have doesn’t make them greedy. It makes them smart.

Selling something cheap doesn’t win you any prizes, any loyalty or anything else.

When you go to work do you tell your boss hey I’ve been greedy the last 5 years so drop my pay by half? Of course not. You labor has value or at least it should have. I know when I do something I want to be paid what I’m worth and then some, because cheap assed people always over value what they have and devalue what someone else has. And then they call it greed.

I’ve noticed a pattern here. You start thread after thread bitching about the cost of cars. And now you are bitching about the cost of parts. Is there any chance, a remote possibility that the issue is you? That you don’t have the money to do this? That you don’t have the skills to do enough of your own work to have a realistic budget? Is it possible that you don’t have the proper tools or the budget to buy the proper tools to do the most you can yourself?

I’m not trying to discourage you. I’m saying maybe you need to take a look in the mirror and have a good look. This hobby/sport/industry has never been cheap. Ever. I can in fact and I do say that today guys are spoiled. You can make more horsepower for less money than you ever could. It’s cheaper to build 1200-1500 horsepower today than it was to build an honest 600 hp 35 or 40 short years go. And it’s not even close.

You can get on the phone and buy parts that guys 35-40 years ago never dreamed of, for dirt cheap money. I remember when a Pro Stock truck engine was 75k a copy and you had to buy 2 to get that price. And those things were right at 1000 hp. Today you can easily build more power than that for less than half that price.

Sometimes we don’t realize how lucky we are.

And the lie that a Chrysler is more expensive to build is just that. A lie. If you are cruising wrecking yards, bumming around at swap meets and scouring the web for OE parts then yes, the Chrysler is more expensive.

When you start building real horsepower you will see all the faults of the GM platform. All it has going for it is sheer numbers and aftermarket development.

It’s not a better platform and certainly not even close to as good a platform as the Chrysler stuff when it comes to stroker builds. You are going to buy an aftermarket block and the fact is a Ritter block isn’t any more expensive than the equivalent Dart or World Chevy block. They are the same. Of course Dart and World make “replacement” blocks that are better than an OE block but they will tell you it’s not a race piece.

Pistons cost the same. Cams cost the same. Rods cost the same. Rings don’t know the name on the valve cover and they are the same price between GM, Ferd and Chrysler. A decent set of roller lifters is the same price for any brand. And you don’t have to bore the lifter bores to get a .904 lifter in a Chrysler.

Rocker arms? Same cost. Cranks are so close in price it’s a push.

When you look at the actual numbers the Chrysler costs the same as anything else to build, unless of course you are buying and using stuff that is OE replacement.