"The Hobby Is Dying"

Being one of the under 20 years old crowd I would say the hobby is not really dying, but interest in it definitely has. One thing that I have noticed with some of my school friends is that kids nowadays do not have any drive. Most of the kids at my school (i'd say 90%) are just floating around waiting for something to click or waiting on their parents to give them instructions on how to act and live.
There is a lack of stones in people now; no initiative, and no goals. They just follow the latest trends and try to stick to the mob. I have always loved cars and especially muscle cars. Last year when I just turned 16 I went job hunting because I wanted a muscle car. I got a job working 4am-6am. I saved and bought my duster for $1700. Then I spent almost all of my time just working on the thing to get it going the way I wanted it. Hell I am still working at it.
If anyone my age decided they wanted to get into the hobby, then they would try and find the easiest way possible to do so. There is no concept of "if you want something you need to work for it" anymore. It also does not help that most every person who is selling an old car wants top barrett-jackson prices for them. or they just do not entertain the idea of anyone new getting into the hobby.
When I went to my first cruise night in the duster last year there were at least 40-50 people (crotchety old dudes) just ripping my car to shreds. pointing out every little detail that was wrong and just being pieces of ****. Then they got into their kia or new ford truck and leave. like what the hell.
Only THREE people were encouraging of a young guy getting into the hobby and were nice.
So those are my reasons why the hobby is slowing or seems like it is dying.