Why so many gloom and doomers on this site

No that's not what I'm saying.

I only used France as an example to show the relative superiority of life in the United States. By no means does that mean we can just rest on our laurels because "at least we're still better than them". I'm simply trying to put things in perspective and help people realize we can't take our American rights and freedoms for granted.

I'm saying, if you got a problem with something, do some homework about it and do something instead of complaining and regurgitating facts about the past that are painfully obvious to everyone at this point. Times WERE better back in your day. But they aren't coming back. And the reason times were better had very little to do with the choices normal everyday people made. Why did customer service go to ****? Because large corporations bought or pushed out the little guys in the industry and couldn't give a rat's *** about taking care of the customer. And everyone went along with it because times were still good so, who cares?? Our economy was flourishing based off our successes in WWII and the dominance we had on the global economy which our government and large corporations ruined starting in the 1970s thanks to short-sighted decisions and policies put in place all just to make a quick buck, who cares what happens 10, 20, 30 years down the road. I'm a history buff, I soak up information about past times as much as I can because I think it's the best way to understand and prevent mistakes from happening again. But it only works if everyone knows about it AND has the balls/ovaries to really make big changes in how we do things on a large scale.

I'm trying to make a difference by refusing to buy Communist Chinese-made products. I buy USA-made where possible but if I can't, at the very least I try to buy from countries that don't have a communist regime and aren't actively trying to undermine our nation. I also don't support companies with shitty short-sighted business practices that care more about shareholders and revenue over the next quarter instead of 5- or 10-year plans. I also try to inform people around me about current events and actions we as normal citizens can take to try to improve the situation and get in contact with local and state government officials to push for reforms and let them know my issues and concerns as a U.S. citizen. Last but certainly not least I work a job at a company designing a new type of energy storage device with the intent to revolutionize our electrical grid and vastly improve the efficiency of how we transfer and use energy to do work and improve our quality of life so we don't need to rely on foreign countries for resources or unsustainable sources of energy. Will it make a difference? No way to be sure but I'm sure as hell gonna keep trying.

Something I feel compelled to point out, I'm not a teenager, you don't need to sarcastically lecture me on the merits of learning history and virtuous conduct like so many older folks do for some silly reason. You obviously aren't sorry for **** so don't be sarcastic about it. I hear you and agree with you, let's just be straight with each other and talk like adults. I'm over the kind of fatalistic negative sarcasm that makes y'all sound really wimpy to be honest.

If you are saying that we have to make the best of what we have now, I'm in complete agreement with that. If you are saying we should all do our individual best to make what we have better, again, I'm in complete agreement with that. But what pissed me off was your statement that you are "annoyed" by us old farts complaining about how much better it used to be. It was and that was a fact. As to being lectured about history, my experience is that people do the "yeah, yeah, I get it" when you bring up learning from history and then proceed to ignore it. It is true that if you are in a leaky boat, your only hope of salvation is to bail faster than the water runs in. Maybe we all have to bail faster.