Making progress on my Demon

Do you just randomly troll peoples threads and bash them? I don't remember saying I was building my car to please you or anyone else. Until you put forth some cash to finance my build I'd invite you to keep your opinions to yourself. I tore this car down to a bare hull and rebuilt it with the sole purpose of racing it and taking it to cruise ins. I enjoy driving it on the street and showing it off as much as I do racing it. Of all the people that's viewed my thread and commented on my build you are the ONLY ONE who from the start has bashed and been negative. Why don't you post some pics of your build and show all of us the CORRECT way we should do a build to your standards and satisfaction.


as much as i like seeing cars go down the track i do enjoy seeing them in a more relaxed setting such as a cruise in. lets you get up close to the car and really appreciate the thought, dedication and engineering put into it. I think most of this hate is stemming from jealousy