That's dangerous, you're too old to be doing it!

Im in the minority of what I still do for guys my age (70 in less than a month) and im proud of it
I hear guys tell me all the time they are amazed that I still work like I do, but I dont work full time anymore......My legs, knees, back cant take it anymore. Older age brings on problems, often you pay the price for how you abused your body all your life. I abused mine by never taking much time off, if it wasnt overtime, it was a side job and after that it was constant work on my old house
What ive found now is my balance is way off, I cant climb on steel, over pipes, im not comfortable working at height.
My last few years I worked full time in ship repair, it seemed like one day I just had trouble working in tight spaces below deck ...You have crawl under deck, through rib holes, its tight and restrictive and the feeling of being trapped was becoming a issue
I focused on the job at hand and tried not to think about it but years ago I wouldn't have given it a second thought
The problem for older people is injuries, you fall it can be bad, years ago you'd just get bruised up, you have to use your head and be careful
My biggest issue now is no patience. I have no patience for assholes, bigots, con artists, rude people and haters, to name a few.
Like a guy told me once, getting old isn't for sissy's.....aint that the truth