Why I can't buy a Tesla

Actually Nuclear is the cheapest form of hydro. My son is a nuclear operator in Canada. He's said nuclear is 3 cents a kw, solar is 6 cents a kw and windpower is 8.5 cents a kw. That is here in Canada so don't know what it is in the U.S.
Those ugly windmills are good for 10 yrs at the most (if you're lucky) and it takes either 800 or 8000 (can't remember) windmills to do the same as one reactor. Sure the reactors have to be replaced at one time or the other but far cheaper.
The Cando reactor is the best and has so many fail safes. If Japan had one they wouldn't have had that disastrous meltdown they had.
Once constructed. Add construction and waste disposal costs? Nuclear is the most expensive.