Why I can't buy a Tesla

Just talked to my son this afternoon. If the procedure is that same as Canada. If you have a windmill on your property you get so much money for hydro to put in there. Now here is the kicker, if it goes bad and they shut it down YOU are responsible for the toxic chemicals which will leak out and the dismantle of the windmill. That was in the fine print that nobody hardly reads. He confirmed it takes 800 windmills to do the same output as a reactor. Coal is the cheapest by far and they have scrubbers in the chimneys but way more dangerous for the atmosphere.
There is a whole slew of hurdles for any power generation. (Much depending on location) Even Solar. That one would think should be the easiest to deploy. Nope. Building permits. Electric company and grid connection requirements and regulations. Even the panels themselves.

I do agree nuclear checks a lot boxes. Self energy reliance, little CO emissions. Much safer than in years/decades past.