Electric guitar...

Well, I’m going to use your post as some inspiration then! While I play fairly consistently, it’s always good to review and work on new exercises. I’ve not been a huge theory guy, when I do apply and work with an instructor, I find that it really accelerates everything for me. I need the structure when I’m learning and should probably seek out some help again as I’ve been and felt stagnant. Thanks man!
My instructor is 15 years younger than me and was playing regular gigs up until the beginning of the pandemic. I go to a small one-man music shop actually to man he's the other man and he learned from the owner 30 years ago... I think he is into studying classical right now and laughs at how close it is to heavy metal and stuff like that and how the two don't like each other but laughs at how similar they are... He says he has many of friends who can play the guitar very well but have no idea what they're playing.. as in their music theory and things like that..
I asked to be brought from the ground up and knowing what I'm playing and why I'm playing it... That way by the time I do gain some familiarity with the guitar I should kind of know what I'm playing and why... I see lots of people on YouTube that play really really well but I wonder if they actually know what they're doing or just going through the motions that they practiced...