1966 Dart GT-it begins
Today the new gas tank arrived. I flushed it with fresh gas to remove any
Oils or debris from manufacture. Then used self etching primer (Rustoleum) on the top half and 3m undercoating and 3m spray adhesive to attach the new foam mat.
Degreased the bottom and clear coated it and the strap. My sender was good so replaced sender opening seal, tank grommet seal and the foam disc at the quarter panel for the filler tube. Flushed the lines. Replaced all rubber including the connection for the vent. Rebuilt the carb and fuel
Pump ( to clear any debris), and new inline filter. Primed it and vroom! Set idle and drove it round the block a bit!
Getting smoke off the left bank (dual exhaust). So tomorrow will start pulling plugs, doing compression checks etc and hope for the best.