Why so many gloom and doomers on this site

My therapist? That over educated, over opinionated, no healing, couch quack says. I should maybe be "less negative?"

If your therapist is wasting your time with his or her opinions (and you didn’t ask for them), find a new one.

Most therapists that own old Mopars, drive 318s!! Either theirs fees are too small o:poke::realcrazy::rofl:r their dreams are too NEGATIVE!!

First, what the hell is wrong with a 318? Secondly, some of us have significantly more potent machinery in our garages. Update your stereotypes. :D

Every time I watch the news I get in a mood. So I quit watching it. Life will go on and we will deal with it.

That’s one solution but it’s not a universally applicable one. We can’t all just stick our heads in the sand. For the time being, we don’t have a dictator making all the decisions for us.

I guess the key is to stay informed through channels that don’t have a financial interest in making you scared or angry.