I need to keep my middle finger in my pocket

I admit I have a big problem with tailgaters, and I'm not the guy causing the "slow" problem, most the time.

Unrelated, I remember on tricky little time way back in the 70's. Friend of mine and I were hauling a car on my trailer, I don't remember why but this was N on I-5 up around Del Mar N of San Diego. I was in the right lane, doing "right" I look back there and there's a car behind, and a CHP with his lights on. I thought he wanted me. Next thing I know the idiot in the car behind is trying to pass me in the break down lane.

I wasn't sure what to do, finally pulled to left one lane. It was 3 or 4 lanes, and not much traffic. Idiot passes me on right in the break-down as I'm pulling over left one lane and the cop went right behind him and gave me a wave of thanks out the window.

That could have been a bad deal if the freeway was crowded.