I need to keep my middle finger in my pocket

They love to hang right in your blind spot when you're cruising your Classic car!!

not just classics

i remember one day at an intersection here in town, and i was driving my "convertible"

i am in the left hand turning lane and the light is red
the road i am on runs south to north and the interceding one runs east to west

while i am waiting, an eastbound truck shows up with his blinker on to the right (meaning he came from my left and wants to turn into the southbound lane beside me

now, i know this is a tight turn, so i check my rear view to make sure its all clear, check the side views just to be sure, and i pop her in reverse and start backing up

i made it about a foot when i heard a distinctive crunching sound and the rear end of my little convertible went up in the air

so i stop, i get out and there is a stinking import behind me
he had crept up so close i could not see him in my mirrors

(luckily it was a honda and a junker anyway so i didnt do any new damage to it)

i guess the moral of the story is "if your convertible has a 4 inch lift and sits on 33s, imports will park in your blind spot"
