Why so many gloom and doomers on this site

Man some of you Mopar guys are a bunch of Nancy’s. Ohhh we aren’t going to have gas, ohhhhh my we don’t have parts, ohhhhhh my this business won’t get back to me, ohhhhhh it costs to much, ohhhhhh we aren’t going to have cars in five years, ohhhhhhhhh I can’t find used parts and when I did I waited five days and someone else bought it out from under me. Damn guys give me a break. Do your research, call a business more than once, use Google and Facebook to find parts, call your Congress man and tell them how you feel about gas prices. Be-itching to us does nothing, but makes you look like a Nancy.
I agree whid you 1000% can somebody explain to me how vining and complaining about every thing is making anything better i just dont understand why,whid all bad things thats going on in the world this days like Puttin"aka el putto" invading the Ukrain for no real reason we all need some positiv thinking and kind words,iv lived in other contrys and fought in a war and im extreamly grateful to live in a demoktatic country whid out war just my opinion