COVID “Long- Haulers”

Oh yeah-when covid hit I would just get up in the morning get coffee-drink coffee-eat breakfast-go to work-work all day-come home-work on my cars- go out for dinner-with or without nurse- go home-go to bed-with or without nurse. It’s a tough life but covid is really killing me as I can hardly attend to my nurse twice a nite. I guess I will probably have to switch nurses as that may improve my attention curve. It’s 9:00 in the morning and she wants more attention! I informed her of my condition but it seems she don’t care about me, just her own wants! I certainly hope you guys don’t contact covid because it will cut your performance in half! I’ll be back in an hour or so but you guys carry on without me! Have a nice day!!!
So if you're paying your nurse and also having sex with her (attending to your nurse)........................isn't that prostitution???:rofl::rofl:

PS - Wait till a male nurse shows up at your may not want a female nurse again????:poke::poke::rofl::realcrazy: