I need to keep my middle finger in my pocket

When I was driving hwy tractor, I once came too a two lane hwy intersection. Deep ditches on all 4 corners very little shoulders and lots of traffic. I was make a right hand turn. As I was approaching the 4 way stop I was heavily encroaching on the other lane to get enough room so I didn’t have to drag trailer wheels through ditch to bad. Was all set up went to make corner, started to walk on it because I knew the trailer was going to bounce threw ditch a bit. Looked mirror to see how bad and here’s this asshole trying to beat me around the corner stuck in the crotch of the tractor and trailer. I Stopped dead and popped brake. Couldn’t back up 1/4 mile traffic behind can’t go forward would drag wheels over car. So I got out my pocket novel and started reading knew state patrol would be here soon. Cop got there made guy go back and ask everyone to backup so I can but by now the traffic is a1/2 mile. I was just laughing so was the cop. Cop said the man will have some explaining to do LMAO
It boggles my mind how so few people understand that they need to give tractor trailers extra room and time to maneuver.

We have out of state bicyclist who ride in the middle of the lane on a two lane highway. They think that they do not need to move over. A tire on the rumble strips for a few seconds reeducates them.
I lived in Montana for about a year, and during that time I was also a competitive cyclist. I was so excited to get to ride the beautiful country, but it took about half a second to realize that riding down a two lane (even far off to the side) where the speed limit is 70, wasn't such a great idea.

Here in AZ is no different -- riders hug the white line or even ride in the travel lanes. It annoys me as a motorist, even being a cyclist myself, because even though I don't want kill anyone, they're not doing everything they can on their part to ensure their safety.