Stamped Rocker Clearance Issue?

If you look at 340 stamped lockers compared to 318 stamped rockers they are all clearanced it that area you have circled. My son has to clearance rockers of all types. We paid $1800 for a set of T&D rockers. Two were fitted to therngine without a clearance problem. After the tear down for refresh we found that several were hitting at the same place as yours. So it doesn't matter what you pay the fitment quality is all the same. Not very good at all. He made a fixture to clearance rockers now and many are very far off.

First pic is of the hit rocker

second pic is of the fixture on a rotary table for correct radius

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No help to the OP, but Just spit balling, but could the spring be dancing around at higher rpm? Like it needs a bit more spring pressure? You watch these video’s of the springs on a spintron and it will keep you awake at night. Retainer a bit loose, bottom locator?