oil pump gasket, yeah or nay

I worked from 1970 to 1980 in Chrysler dealerships, and recreationally ever since. No under warranty small block engine I ever serviced had an oil pump gasket. Saw lots of perforated rocker arms with the lifter thrown out of its bore, and a few cam bearings with a flake of babbit pushed out, and of course the occasional head gasket pushed out at the rocker arm galley. In fact the only time I found the cause of low oil pressure at idle to be the joint between the main cap and the oil pump was where a non dealer mechanic installed a paper gasket there and it blew out. If you are anal about that junction just stone the two surfaces, apply a very thin coat of Indian Head or Permatex #2A to one surface and bolt it in place. There, you don't have to worry about that any more. If you are anal retentive you can apply a very thin coat of either of the above closely around the hole in #5 main cap as well. Jeez, how much oil can leak out between two finely machined zero clearance surfaces? A gasket there adds a potential "major" failure point without adding any potential benefit. Trust me, you will be pissed off if you have to pull the pan to get rid of the shredded piece of paper that sidelined you.