Stop in for a cup of coffee

Hey Karl...feeling better??

Not really, on a down stroke...

I was doing better over the last week, but last night the breath got short again and my oxygen levels are going below minimum.... Had one reading at 63, but that was when I put the gauge on the finger before it calibrated, so I rechecked it and it was 93... I will write that one off as a fluke...

However when I walk from my bedroom to the living room, the level sometimes goes down to 85 or 83, then will climb back up to 92 - 94 within a minute or two...

Last night I got some readings at 88 when at rest.... Then some readings at 90 and 91 for a bit...

I feel a deeper cough in my lungs since yesterday...

(and I was feeling pretty good for the last week before Wednesday, now I'm going down hill again....) My oxygen levels were between 92 - 96 for the last week before I hit this snag....

Thanks for asking...