Stop in for a cup of coffee

Just chilled here most of the day. I did go out and check on my cornhole tables though. I found a place to make them early last week and gave them detailed drawings. They want 2 million VND to build both. Bout $80 USD. I gave them 1 million VND when I gave them the instructions. Then they called me 3 days ago and said one was ready for me to look at. I went over there and they hadn't even done it yet. So then they called me again today and said one was ready. So I went over there today, no it's not ready yet. But they had the base laid out in the correct size I brought my tape measure to check. But they were going to put the hole in the wrong place. Good thing I went there to show them the correct location of the holes. Always a lot of steps to get anything done in Vietnam.
Kids these days!