Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well I am out to the range today to try and discover the facts of a training tip. So one of our students came to class prepared to shoot with tape over the front of his RMR sight. His explanation was thus. By putting pistol in front of dominant eye and focusing on target with other, your mind instinctively lines up red dot on target. For the record the individual shot like this adequately. I want to try it today. Problem being I am left eye dominate and will have pistol in right hand for todays exercise. I never like to poo poo a statement with heresay and much prefer to validate against facts. Clearly the student was passionate about the method and preformed adequately. Who am I to say nonsense. Quote unquote it worked for him. It will be an interesting training session to be sure. The tape blinds the rmr but the shooter can still see the red dot as the back of sight is not taped. While it certainly makes no sense to me I gotta try it. I fear it is the flipping rods argument all over again.


Too many years of "front sight post" I've seen people swear by various other methods such as index firing. Hey, if it works for them, great.