Solid Cam, Use it or Not

Not everybody has multi million dollar equipment at their disposal or the money to arbitrarily replace possibly good parts. Consider yourself very fortunate.
Rusty if only you knew my budget your head would spin. I barter sell and trade for every thing I have.My pension and SS checks amount to around. $2300 a month combined. If I want something I have to sell something I worked hard to get when I was younger.

I have 2 Demons and one harley some antique tractors and toys. And worn out hands and shoes. I bought a new DC cam and lifters on this site for $99. I am Not the fortunate son. Neither is anyone in my family. We work for what we have and used what we worked for wisely.

My answer to him of not using that cam was thinking of wasting new parts such as lifters and bearings if the Cam is bad. You cannot tell the condition of the cam with pictures on the web and anyone that encourage its use with a "looks good to me" answer is an idiot.

By the way anyone that has been here knows I live in a mobile home in the country. so don't give an answer and insinuate you know me. I sold many mopars I collected in my younger years driving and old 53 chevy tow truck to get what I have. I built my garage by myself with no help using reclaimed wood and it was hard work. Where I live was a cornfield when I bought it. I lost everything and started over when my Dad was killed in the early 80's.

So don't quote me in your fucken posts anymore with your bullshit. You don't know me!