Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well boys today was a big day for me, our COO made public my plans to retire this year. He sent out a Company Wide memo hailing my infinite greatness blah blah etc. etc. but more importantly he announced I would step away from day to day leadership of business and all things operations, effective April one I turn the reigns of the business over to a gentleman I have been working with since late last year. In the next few months I will focus on special projects and work on helping the new guy be successful in the transition. They want me to stay on until September and after that operate in a consultant capacity for the following months TBD. I am excited for the next chapter. Who knows I may go knock on DDs door and help him with his start up! Woo Hoo. I can confess tho, reading the e mail it seemed as if I was reading it in third person as I do not feel old enough to retire?
Congrats John! You will slide into retirement and wonder why you didn't start it years ago.