
I own and operate a firearms training center and have been a firearms instructor for a very long time. I also work on a public range as a Safety Officer. Translated I get to see a very wide spectrum of ARs being tested in our classes and at the range, from home built to the latest Wilson Combat luxury version. As a result I can certainly tell you if some one shows up rocking a Colt I do know for a fact that I will not have any function issues with that shooter. Many others we spend some time clearing malfunctions. By no means am I saying Colts are infallible just that they are reliable provided they get a little oil once in awhile.As a sponsored shooter I compete with ARs and am in fact the reigning Champion for multiple years. I spend a lot of time competing against all manner of ARs, I do not shoot a colt (now) I rock a Daniel Defense. Plus side the Colt will hold its value remarkably well. I would not hesitate to shoulder a Colt anytime anywhere.

This matches my experience with customer service at my company. The more 'marketing fluff' we see in the parts list (nickel boron, nitride, adjustable, modular, enhanced, silent, super, etc) the more malfunctions they seem to encounter. The AR is a pretty good platform when built to the numbers. There's places for new technology to make it perform certain tasks better, but when people take the 'kitchen sink' approach it ends in ruin.

Plus, lots of aftermarket offerings like nitride coatings only exist because find a good chrome shop (thanks EPA!) is tough. We lost more parts due to bad chrome than any other outside operation. The next worst is heat-treat for carriers, then anodize.