Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning Gents

Lynch - Ferrell
Murray - Dollery

Have it traced back to 1820... Lynch side entered U.S. in 1851 through Philadelphia...

Be safe out there.
Wife's mom was a McCue. I think they came ove early 1900's

We came to the US in the 1760's and settled in Knoxville TN.
My family and her dads side are German. Mine came over 1742 not sure on her's
On the "to-do" list is to have someone help me understand the build on this Slanty and what's the right carb ignition etc.
Is it a 225, or?

We still have a couple of feet in the yard
What did you do with the rest of the bodies? :eek:

Good morning all. Day 2 of 21 in the shipyard. Hope everyone has a great day. On a side note, looking more like I will be free for meet up in July. Will wait and see.
Back already?

Good morning men. Happy St patties day!! I have not golfed for a few weeks now. All my golfing buddies are falling out. Well, one actually died, so I can excuse him.....
Tired of handing you their money!

Had to make a trip to town for a roll of masking tape. I bought the good stuff. Riddle me this, why can’t there be good masking tape and nothing less? And if you ask me its the same process to make good tape vs shitty tape,so why is it so much more money?
That stuff got really expensive. Used to be like 5o cents a roll and only came in the beige color. Then they started doing color and everyone had a better tape, clean release etc, etc $$$. I got some pretty good stuff at Carlisle last year for a buck or 2 a roll. Otherwise its double that and up in the store for anything decent.
Good Morning