Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well out of the four shelving units got three up. The fourth and one of the heavier pair was damaged beyond use. I have to haul it out of the basement, load it on the truck, take it back to HD, return it, get a new one, load it, haul it back, unload it, take it to the basement, and set it up...not happy!! Of course, it's raining all day tomorrow so its Saturday at the earliest.
With the extra time I was spraying some weeds on a steep side slope. I felt a pain on the side of my foot. I looked down and I had apparently somehow stuck a six-inch locust thorn through the side of my tennis shoe into the side of my foot. Yes, I was near our one and only locust tree. Yea ok, I just reached down and slowly but firmly pulled the thorn out. The blood mark on the thorn wasn't to high and wasn't feeling anything squishy so I just kept working. I don't tell the wife either when these things happen because they just do occasionally.