
I own and operate a firearms training center and have been a firearms instructor for a very long time. I also work on a public range as a Safety Officer. Translated I get to see a very wide spectrum of ARs being tested in our classes and at the range, from home built to the latest Wilson Combat luxury version. As a result I can certainly tell you if some one shows up rocking a Colt I do know for a fact that I will not have any function issues with that shooter. Many others we spend some time clearing malfunctions. By no means am I saying Colts are infallible just that they are reliable provided they get a little oil once in awhile.As a sponsored shooter I compete with ARs and am in fact the reigning Champion for multiple years. I spend a lot of time competing against all manner of ARs, I do not shoot a colt (now) I rock a Daniel Defense. Plus side the Colt will hold its value remarkably well. I would not hesitate to shoulder a Colt anytime anywhere.
What are your thoughts on the Delta 5 Pro? Worth the money?