best soaking carb cleaner?

correct on both accounts from my experience but, my sonic cleaner is a harbor freight special. I tried pinesol and super purple or what ever it is called. There was dirt on the tank floor, but the carb was still dirty. One may have better luck with a higher grade model though. All carb dips are methyene chloride. Paint stripper and it doesn’t clean the green meanies off. I got pissed after the third dip so I left the carb in the dip for a week. It ate away the casting. Good thing it was a worthless carb, that time I was smart enough to experiment before I dipped a good carb in.
Now I worked in a motor cycle shop for a summer a few years ago and I swear the good dip is dicloromethane but I’m just not sure. You can get a 5 gallon pail of that stuff at a chemical supply warehouse but is not cheap and how do you dipose of it after your done? Its damn nasty ****, rubber gloves and respiratory nasty. But most of all I’m just not sure thats the stuff. And I don’t need the department of homeland security showing up instead of a 5 gallon pail of it, you know what I mean.
I have tried everything. Water, pine sol, purple stuff, simple green and on and on and on. Tried preheating, not preheating, you name it. It passed the tin foil test.....with flying colors. The **** just don't work.