Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning my Saturday morning and one evening brethren. Jodi made it home last night, not sure if house cleaning will meet her expectations or not tho! Hah! She has been gone since January. TAD to Arkansas. Thankfully she drank so much wine last night she is still a bit blurry this morning! Got all my numbers back from annual doctors visit. I have lost just over twenty pounds since last visit. And am still maintaining athlete heart rate, respiratory and BP measurements. Over sixty and still nothing but a daily vitamin. I am very thankful and fortunate. Of course utilizing BMI metric I am obese! Clearly they do not care if you are a weight lifter? Down side that effects my life insurance rates. Makes zero sense? If I am so obese why is my BP and heart rate so low? They cannot connect the dots. Apologies rant over. Arghhh
I've always felt the same way. For you and I it's our body build...big shoulders and thick thighs My excuse is that I'm 6'1 with a 29 1/2 inseam. If I'd had normal length legs I'd be 6'4 and with my weight would be within the BMI. I've never been within the BMI 176 pounds and never will unless I catch some weight loss disease...haha!!