All right you guys, I need some honest feedback. As several have discussed and or requested a gun bunny tab within FABO. I am giving some serious thought on the mechanics of said tab. I already admin and moderate a private firearms site tied to defensive shooting, as a result I have a bit of experience there. So I am thinking out loud to you guys as a group, clearly we have a rather deep technical base from which to operate so that is a plus, several folks on here with both a wide range of interest and also a wide range of real world experience. Another plus. We have several of us tied to LE and many are military, multiple instructors (obviously we love our dogs) and again a wide span of knowledge. Here are the fence posts I go by as admin on the private gun bunny site. I do not tolerate poor language or personal attacks, I try and keep it technical but often fail, as there is just to much gray there. While I do allow legislative type postings or links regarding 2A I do not tolerate rants bashing this politician or that one, (see no personal attack standard). Moderators here at FABO do a darn good job keeping this site cleaned up from political nonsense and toss those in to the NP section. Not sure how we would handle that as often times 2A and politics have some overlap? Suggestions? I have never been to the NP side of FABO nor will I ever, but my point being do we post legit legislation type updates or is that out of bounds? I am leaning towards not? Many of us on here compete, build, and or collect firearms. I see the tab as a QnA type tab that entertains all manner of firearms related questions, more technical based if you will. Think of the information already shared in this AR thread already, from red dot, to building lowers, to the best picture ever of a skinny GSD (Hah) Let’s hear your ideas and or thoughts, I do not want to replicate the AR15 site, that thing is a hot mess. Send me a PM or simply respond here. Who knows what the future holds