Pet Peeves - Lets get complaining!

For thsoe with Easy pass, i recvently picked up an easy pass so I can have an alternate route to work via the Pa Turnpike. I have been using it a few times a week over the last 3-4months. It ended up that they send me paper bills anyway and I didn't pay it "quick enough" and they charged me a $25 fee. I am thinking to myself "what the hell, doesn't this easy pass thing work?" anyway I am about fed up with the Pa Turnpike it is too expensive easy pass or not...they basically attach to your credit card and from what I can tell they have issues, and folks don't even know it they just keep paying their credit card bill. Its typivcal Pa corrupriuon, folks called and s aid they were overcharged and then given the runaround on a refund. I dunno Im about done I liked the old cash system where if I had to use their road Id just pay them when I was done.