Guns, Dogs and Blades QnA

Seven pages in, and not one knife yet? I guess I'll post the first one. I don't have a collection of any sort but I like them, especially nice ones. My splurge as a Christmas present from me to me last year, a Randall made exactly the way I wanted. It was a fair size pile of dough but so worth it.

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I recently scored a PVD coated S30V Buck Vanguard 'blem' for under $100. Looks like the one below, but not my image. It's a decent blade. My only complaint is that it came with the cheap nylon sheath, but that's easy to remedy.
Buck is also a local company, so it's nice to support them, even if some of their designs are out of touch (and the good ones are imports). They also do a surprising number of up-market offerings, but for some reason they're not super popular.
