Fishing rod rack

Never mention the fact there is snow on the ground again...lets talk fishing rods

as you may know, i have a little pond out back with a shed next to it
there are almost a dozen fishing rods in there that the kids have free reign on (you know, take one, tie it all up, grab another one)

now, i want to figure out a way to store these so the kids can get to them easily AND put them away properly

of course i dont want to spend a fortune on this, so if you have a trick you use id love to hear it
1. There is still snow on the ground. LOL
2. I haven't been fishing in 20 years. Never went as a kid. Went a few times with a neighbor while stationed in Sacramento, CA in the 78-80 time frame. Then went a few times after I got out of the USAF with my wife's step father. That was like fishing with Hitler. Bob was a GREAT guy 99.9% of the time, but he was an AVID fisher, and he had absolutely NO tolerance for somebody fishing in an incorrect (to him) fashion. It was a miserable experience. It actually changed my relationship with him. I have not been fishing since. I'd kind of like to get into it, but I do not know how.