proud daddy... :)

It looks like a very nice program from I heard from him in the past.

its a great program if you find a unit that actually does things.. we ended up in deleware because the one close to us at the battleship nj hardly ever leaves the ship.. boring as hell. i feel bad for those kids.. her commander is a army ranger.. he has them do all kinds of things.. come april they start outside again.. all winter they were inside doing toast master and leadership classes along with the shooting range.. he wants them to experience everything they can and wants them prepared for the military boot camp if they decide to go in.. he has been in charge of this squad for about 6 years i believe. 99% of his kids serve so far. infact one girl just graduated the air force boot camp. another girl has bee accepted to the naval academy, she graduates high school in june. think two others graduated high school this year. be interesting to see where they end up. my rylee is only 13 so she has about 4 1/2 more years of sea cadets and to make a decision on whether she wants to go in or not.. she has been learning about all the branches even though this is a naval program.. army, navy, air force, marines, coast guard, merchant marines and the national guard.. this weekend her squad was invited to the commissioning of the uses Delaware submarine. the kids got actual invitations from the navy,,, i think they may get a top side tour of it too. should be cool..