'71 dashboard wiring harness compatibility

I'm sorry to read this, but remember you had written before about hacked wiring.

what wiring harnesses could be compatible with my '71 Demon slant 6
Most accurate answer. Check the part number of the harness. I have found the harness number on white tape wrap very close to the headlight high/low switch connections.

This is my '67 Barracuda


With the p/n then can compare in the parts books and also when someone offers a harness.

My best guess: Maybe.
'71 Slant six should have the same instrument harness as v-8 cars.
'71 Demon probably had the same instrument harness as other Dodge A-bodies except those with a "rally dash."
At one time, Plymouth Valiants had different instrument panel than Darts. I think by '71 they are the same but should check.
For example, in 1968 and 69.
Blue points to rally dash (Barracuda)
Orange is Dart (coded L in drawing)
Green is Valiant.

I *think* for '71 you may find just standard dash and rally dash. Console and light packages are probably seperate harnesses.

Other years. Less likely. Check the p/n to see if it was also used in either '70 or '72. '73 is almost certainly different. I recall the horn wiring was relocated in those years.