Day two of the 64 Valiant
There's nothing wrong with changing parts that need changing anyway.
But, assuming a problem exists doesn't mean it does. Checking for dry float bowls is easy. As RRR said, take off the filter and pump the carb a few times after it's been shutdown when hot. Does it squirt fuel? How does it compare to when you pump it when the engine is cold? If you take the filter off right after shutdown and watch, do you see vapor, smell fuel, or see it bubble out of anywhere? When cold, does it fire right away? Or does it take 3-5 revs before it fires off? All of these things can help give you an indication of what may be going on. These checks are quick and can give you a lot of info.
Heat can also screw with electronics, so I wouldn't jump straight to fuel either - but it's prudent to rule it out.
I had a new-to-me hotrod that was a pain in the *** to start, hot or cold. Seemed better hot, but not always. Turned out to be a loose ground wire for the distributor module. The previous owner had done all kinds of things trying to figure it out and never did. I almost missed it until I pulled the distributor to re-install the vacuum advance.