At What Point is a Solid Cam Better Than a Hydraulic Cam??

In terms of wiping FT lifters/lobes, there is no benefit switching to a sol lifter. This assumes the same brand of lifter is used. The problems are in the metallurgy of the lifter &/or the machining/accuracy of the lifter base that contacts the lobe. It can be just as bad for each type.

Switching from a HFT to a SFT & how to approximate the duration change. It depends on the lash amount. For a tight lash cam, you add 8*. For a wide lash like some of the MP cams that had 028/032 lash, you add 15*.
Wiping lobes is these days mostly an oil issue since the severe reduction of the ZDDP component. Lifter type has no relevance, proper oil and breakin are the issues along with shitty metallurgy and QC.