Meet Mr. Butterscotch

Well it's been a very, very long time since I posted anything about my car and I really have nothing to say. It's kind of a long and depressing story but a few years ago my shop guy downsized from his bigger shop he was at to back at working out of his parents smaller shop/pole building were he originally started out at. So when everything moved out of the bigger shop, he stored my car in his parents attached garage for the time being. So recently he was getting grief from his parents about storing the cars in their garage since the shop was full of other things. So this shop is only big enough to really work on one car at a time now. So to keep his parents happy, he asked if I can store my car temporary till he can get around to finishing I agreed and glad it's here. It was a dirty pig and last weekend I gave it a decent washing without washing the interior since the windshield and back window aren't in. Now I gotta clean all the dust out the interior since the windows were all open and no front and rear windows which make's me upset though. All I can do is make the best out of it and keep moving forward.
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